
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

are you ready to take the no sugar challenge?

This post contains affiliate links to products or services I wholeheartedly endorse. Should you choose to make purchases through these links, not only are you supporting the companies or products I believe in, you are also throwing a little support my way. Thank you! 

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A few weeks ago, we went to see the fabulous (if somewhat terrifying) new documentary by Stephanie Soechtig, Fed Up, from the producers of An Inconvenient Truth.  If you're not familiar with it, here's the trailer:

Fed Up exposes the "inconvenient truths" behind the dangers of eating processed foods, focusing primarily on the insidiousness of sugar in our so-called Western diet.  I found the movie to be extremely compelling - and only motivated me to continue further on the path of clean and healthy eating that I've been pursuing for the past year or so. (I found this review to be quite succinct in summing up Fed Up's message).

At the conclusion of the movie, the filmmakers issue their "Fed Up challenge" - to eat sugar free for 10 days - something that I would certainly encourage everyone to try - if not for 10 days, at least for 1 or 2 to get started.  (It's not easy to give up a habit we didn't even know we had!)

If giving up sugar for 10 days is something you feel you would be interested in trying, (whether you've seen the movie or not - although I would wholeheartedly encourage you to do so), but you're not sure where to start, nutritionista extraordinaire Meghan Telpner, (along with her soon-to-be Registered Holistic Nutritionist intern Alina Islam), developed their own guided 7-day sugar free challenge to help you through the process. They've put together an AMAZING program that includes:

- a 7-day sugar-free, gluten-free meal plan (with vegan options)
- Over 25 recipes
- Tips on curbing cravings
- Sugar-free recipes (and that includes honey, coconut sugar and other natural sweeteners)
- Meal planning template for your own use

And best of all, it's only $10 buckaroonies!  That's almost the cost of one sugar-laden trip to Starbucks for your favourite chilled mocha-choka latte!  I mean, it's a no-brainer people - how much easier can it get? The only catch?  This e-book download (you can download it as soon as you purchase it), will only be available for the next two weeks - so what are you waiting for? :)

Click here, or on the graphic below if you're ready to join the challenge, and ditch sugar for 7-10 days:

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I'm doing it, and I already know a thing or two about healthy eating - we ALL need a little boost now and then. Who knows?  Maybe it will help you towards healthier eating overall in the process!  You can thank me later. ;-)


  1. Thanks for all the love Noelle! So glad you liked it :)

  2. My pleasure, Alina! You guys did an amazing job! :)

  3. Hi Noelle, Thanks for sharing this. We have been concerned with the ill effects of sugar since reading William Dufty's book "Sugar Blues" several years ago.

  4. That's awesome Keith! You're already way ahead of the game! :)
